Budget Work Sessions
I would like to remind you that the Board of Trustees will be conducting work sessions to review the proposed 2010/11 Operating/Capital Budgets on:
Thursday, Jan. 28 at 7 p.m. (Operating Budget/Work Session)
Saturday, Feb. 6 at 8:30 a.m. (Operating Budget/Work Session)
Thursday, Feb. 25 at 7 p.m. (Budget Work Session 1 – Board Review)
Saturday, Feb. 27 at 8:30 a.m. (Budget Work Session 2 – Board Review)
Wednesday, March 3 at 7 p.m. (Final Budget Work Session)
These sessions are currently scheduled to be held in the Board Room at Village Hall on 351 Stewart Avenue in Garden City.
Be Prepared for Storm Emergencies
The Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) has provided us with the following tips on being prepared for storm emergencies:
– Keep a flashlight handy, along with enough fresh batteries, for each member of your family so no one will be left in the dark if the lights go out.
– Call LIPA at 1-800-490-0075 if someone in your household uses life-support equipment. Whenever LIPA anticipates a severe storm, they will call you so that you can make advance preparations. Every effort will be made to restore your electricity as quickly as possible during a severe storm. However, you should realize that there might be occasions when timely restoration is difficult. Therefore, life-support customers are encouraged to ensure that their medical needs are taken care of in the event of a power outage.
– Standby generators require special considerations before being connected and should be installed only by licensed electricians. Improperly connected generators can present severe hazards to repair crews working on nearby electric lines. Call LIPA at 1-800-490-0075 to request their booklet, Home Generator Safety.
– Never touch or go near, or let anyone else go near, any fallen wires, even if you think they are safe. Call 1-800-490-0075, or call the police at 465-4100 to report a downed wire. If you are in a car that comes in contact with any down wires, stay in the car until help comes. If possible, drive clear of the wires.
Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule
The next regularly scheduled Board of Trustees’ meetings will be on Thursday, Feb. 4 and on Tuesday, Feb. 16 at 8 p.m.
Village’s Website
I encourage residents to periodically utilize the village’s website for information regarding the village’s operations, as well as items of seasonal and special interest. The address is www.gardencityny.net.
For your convenience, listed on the village’s home page under the Heading of Administration is information listing the Village Administrator along with a Table of Organization.