
Mystery Picture: January 29, 2010

Mystery Picture Remains a Mystery

“It is a small sailing ship by the boardwalk on Shore Road by the traffic light,” said Billy Minicozzi of the Jan. 21 mystery picture in the Enterprise Pilot. (It’s not quite right though.) As for the Jets, he said he hoped they go to the Super Bowl. The last time they won was 1959. “It has been almost 40 years,” said Billy Minicozzi. Unfortunately, the Jets lost to the Colts.

We also received an email about the Jan. 14 mystery picture. “The photo is Christ Church. The sign in the background gives it away,” said the Phantom.

We had to go and check the photo to see the sign. He’s right. We thought it would be a stumper since the picture was taken at night!

Well, the idea is for you to guess the location in any event and there are usually clues to help you. Keep guessing, it keeps you young.