Dance Visions
Friday, February 19
Coe Hall Concert
Sunday, February 21
American Rhododendron Society
Sunday, February 21
Friday, February 19
Dance Visions
The town of Oyster Bay Dept. of Community Youth Services and the Locust Valley Public Library present Dance Visions’ A World of Dance: Fantasy, Nature and Science. Using the medium of dance the company explores fantasy, elements of nature and scientific concepts. This delightfully engaging and creative program includes classical, popular, contemporary and theater dance forms. It is narrated with insights and interactive engagement. You’ll have a chance to talk to the dancers and choreographer and get an inside look at the creative process… maybe even try out some of your own ideas. 2 p.m. at the Locust Valley Library, 170 Buckram Rd., Locust Valley. Free program. Seating is on a first-come first-served basis. Call 671-1837.
Sunday, February 21
Coe Hall Concert
Enjoy exquisite chamber music in the historic Gold Coast mansion Coe Hall, at Planting Fields Arboretum, Oyster Bay. Chamber ensembles perform without amplification in the Dining Room, a room with outstanding acoustic quality. Tickets are $90 for all four classical concerts; $30 per ticket individual concerts. Call Tracy Potavin 922-8676. Today’s concert: Daria Rabotkina has been lauded as “a pianist full of fire and warmth” whose burgeoning career has already led to solo appearances with the San Francisco and New World Symphonies under the baton of Michael Tilson Thomas. 2:30 p.m.
Annual Raffle
The Oyster Bay Republican Club will hold its annual raffle at the Italian-American Citizens Club, Summit St., from 3 to 5 p.m. A $60 ticket entitles two people to attend the raffle, have a great afternoon of entertainment as well as delicious food and drink with good friends. Call 624-VOTE. Sales are limited to 300 members.
American Rhododendron Society
New York Chapter meeting at 2 p.m. in the Main Greenhouse conference room at Planting Fields Arboretum. Call Jim Fry 631-754-2412 or e-mail For Planting Fields call 922-9200. Feb. 21: Dick Murcott, speaker extraordinaire of the NY Chapter will entertain with his “Rhododendron Successes in a Muttontown Garden.”
Saturday, February 27
Slavic Arts Ensemble String Quartet
The String Quartet of the Slavic Arts Ensemble will commemorate the bicentennial of the birth of the most celebrated Polish composer, Frederic Chopin, with a special all-Chopin program arranged for strings by M. Gubernat. Free. All welcome. 3 p.m. at the Cold Spring Harbor Library, 95 Harbor Rd., Cold Spring Harbor. For information, call 631-692-6820. Register on the events calendar at
Winter Flea Market
From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at St. Bede’s Episcopal Church, 220 Berry Hill Rd., Syosset. Proceeds benefit Last Hope Animal Rescue, Syosset. Call 731-6750 if you have items to donate. No vendors.
Trout Stream Exploration
Along the north shore of Oyster Bay with Trout Unlimited’s Jeff Plackis. Meeting location: 10 a.m. at the Cold Spring Harbor Fish Hatchery, 1660 Route 25A. Limited number of participants so registration required. To register and for directions contact North Shore Land Alliance 626-0908 or
Sunday, February 28
Winter Trees
Explore the ponds and woods at Bailey Arboretum in Lattingtown, with Dan Kriesberg, inspiring naturalist and science teacher. Fun for the whole family. Find out if you’re up to the challenges forest animals face. No charge. Donations appreciated. 2 to 3 p.m. The Children’s Habitat is open every day, year-round. Go to or call 571-8020.
Bowling for the Animals
Proceeds benefit Last Hope Animal Rescue of Syosset. 4 to 6 p.m. (registration begins at 3:30 p.m.) at Massapequa Bowl, 4235 Merrick Rd., Massapequa. Sponsorship sheets and information available by calling 509-0137 or 631-946-9528.
Monday, March 1
Dahlia Club Meeting and Class
At the 7 p.m. Dahlias 101 class, garden layout, sun requirements and the supplies that you’ll need to get your dahlia garden off to a great start will be reviewed. Two experts on organic gardens will discuss no till gardening at the 8 p.m. meeting. Mid Island Dahlia Society. 7 to 9:30 p.m. at the Church of the Advent, 555 Advent St, Westbury. Free. Call 541-6452 or visit for details.
Free Veterinary Lecture
Topic: Laser Surgery in Cats and Dogs. Dog and cat owners are invited to attend a free veterinary lecture at 8 p.m. at the Woodbury Syosset Community Center. Free refreshments. Hosted by Long Island Cat Fancier’s, Inc. Info: 1-631-277-3844.
Thursday, March 4
Blood Drive
From 2 to 8 p.m. at the Locust Valley Fire Department, Buckram Rd., Locust Valley. Eligibility criteria: bring ID with signature or photo, minimum weight 110 pounds, age 16 to 75 (16 year olds must have parental permission. Age 76 and over need doctor’s note), eat well (low fat) and drink fluids, no tattoos for the past 12 months. For medical questions concerning blood donations call 1-800-688-0900.
The Oyster Bay hamlet will be “the place to be” on the first Thursday of the month between 7 and 9 p.m. The program offers artwalks in the local galleries that will be open and featuring exhibitions of artists from around the world. Other businesses in the downtown area will also be showing artwork. Restaurants will be offering 20 percent off on meals; wine-tastings; burger and beer specials; along with indoor and outdoor music and art. Cafés and restaurants will be open for dessert and coffee specials and will also have art displayed. Currently Jessica Semins is a regular Thursday evening performer at Fiddleheads. She plays the fiddle and offers Irish songs as well as original songs. The artwalks will begin at Chase Edwards Gallery, 15 E. Main St. (802-0655) followed by a visit to the Atelier Gallery Fine Arts. 9 E. Main St. (205-0907) and The Teaching Studios, 115 Audrey Ave. (971-597-2404) which will also be open offering a workshop evening and a tour of their facilities. Also on April 1, May 6, June 3, July 1, Aug. 5, Sept. 1, Oct. 7, Nov. 4 and Dec. 2.