Dear Parents, I cannot believe I have already flipped the calendar pages from June to July and from July to August, and now the next change will be to September and a new school year in Island Trees. Although at one point I never thought the endless summer heat wave would come to an end, here we are with the cooler weather beginning, and the opening of the school year upon us. On behalf of the Board of Education and the staff, I welcome you back to another wonderful year in Island Trees.
In Island Trees, we have had a history of “excellence and success” in our schools. Naturally, this is directly attributed to the strong partnership between our parents and professional staff members. We are fortunate to have such a supportive school community, as well as an enthusiastic and motivated student body. For this, we are very grateful.
Please use the 2010-2011 school calendar as a reference guide for important information about our schools, students, and activities. In addition, please refer to our Island Trees website, www.island, for the most up-to-date information and news. If you have any other questions, please feel free to call the main office of your school or any of the departments listed in the calendar. Lastly, I am always available to assist you.