
Mayor’s Report: December 10, 2010

Parking Field 7N Reconstruction Project – Update

As I write this column, the contractors are completing the final phase of the reconstruction of Parking Field 7N. New street light fixtures are currently being installed and should be completed by next week.

The incorporated village and our contractors have attempted to maximize cooperation with area businesses and residents and to mitigate foreseeable problems wherever possible while maintaining a safe work site and keeping sections of the parking field open for use during the construction. Unfortunately, a number of local businesses may have been negatively impacted by the loss of parking due to this project. For that we sincerely apologize. I encourage all residents to continue to shop locally not just during this holiday season, but throughout the year.

Happy Chanukah

The village board of trustees and I extend to residents of the village a Happy Chanukah.

Special Thanks to Our Garden City Hotel

Our Village is blessed with may traditions which warm the hearts and memories of all who live and have lived here. One of these is the annual tree lighting at the Garden City Hotel held Monday Nov. 29. It was a pleasure to bring congratulations to the guest of honor, Ms. Katherine Heaviside, president, Epoch5 Public Relations.

I would also like to thank Garden City Hotel President Cathy Nelkin Miller and Executive Vice-President Patrick Smalley and General Manger Nasser Samman for their continued leadership in our community especially in continuing to host this annual Christmas Tree Lighting tradition that has a special impact on the children – and is what makes Garden City such a special place.

I encourage residents to stop in and visit the hotel; it is particularly beautiful during the holiday season.

Annual Leaf Collection Ending

The Department of Public Works has done another excellent job with the annual leaf removal/recycling program. The last day that leaves can be raked into the streets by residents and their landscapers for Village collection was on Friday, Dec. 3. This was necessary to enable the Department of Public Works to install sanders onto the truck bodies for ice and snow control.

The Village Gets Ready for Winter Weather

During October and November, the Department of Public Works has been busy preparing for the winter. All of the vehicles are serviced and the equipment is checked so that the Village will be ready for any snowstorms during the winter months. The Public Works Department utilizes as many experienced full time workers as needed who will be on the job, throughout the day and night, as needed in the case of a major snow storm, operating over 30 vehicles dedicated to removing snow from the village’s 74 miles of roadway.

Beginning with the village’s main roads, a mixture of salt and sand is applied. This continues until the streets are cleared or until the snow is too deep for this application process to be effective.

When two or three inches of snow have accumulated, or more snow is expected, it is more effective to plow than to salt. The priority is to open the main roads to provide safe access for emergency vehicles. Following the village’s snow policy, the plows then continue to all streets in the village (including Village Parking Fields). If the storm continues the crews will continue plowing until all the streets have been cleared. The trucks begin to widen out all roads by pushing the accumulated snow back to the curbs and clearing the intersections. Crews will work throughout a storm. To report a hazardous condition, please call the Department of Public Works at 465-4031. For medical emergencies, or the police, call 911.

After the storm is over, the village crews will monitor all roads for icy conditions. Usually salt and/or sand are applied in order to keep surfaces safe for driving. Residents and business owners are reminded that all sidewalks must be cleared within 24 hours after the end of a storm. Please refrain from throwing snow into the roadway when clearing driveways and sidewalks.

Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule

The next regularly scheduled board of trustees’ meeting will be Dec.16.

Village’s Website

For your convenience, listed on the village’s home page under the heading of the Administration page is a listing for the village boards and commissions, which includes the names of their members along with their meeting dates.