
Chamber of Commerce Holiday Party

Werther Addresses Chamber at His First Meeting As Mayor

Festive spirits, Christmas carols and some very good food was the norm at the Mineola Chamber of Commerce Holiday Party on Tuesday, Dec. 21. The Mineola Choral Society sang Christmas carols and the Village of Mineola’s new mayor, Larry Werther, was introduced to the chamber.

Even though Werther already attends every meeting as the village board’s chamber liaison, it was his first meeting as mayor. He said he would continue the course set by former Mayor Jack Martins.

“I believe firmly in the business community here in Mineola,” Werther said. “You folks add so much to our life here. When there needs to be a sports team sponsor, you step up to the plate. You pay taxes here and most of you don’t live here. I don’t plan on changing too much from what Mayor Martins did.”

Werther said Martins blazed a path of fiscal responsibility in running the village in “not giving away the store.” He stated further that he promises to follow in that tradition.

“But one of the things I’ve always said and one of the things I’ve always wanted to do is make Mineola a destination,” Werther said. “Having Mineola as a destination, not where someone just gets off the train and goes back to go home, but to get them to stay here and enjoy Mineola.”

Werther also introduced the village board’s new trustee, Scott Strauss, who was appointed by Werther at the last board meeting. Werther said Strauss is an “honest to god American hero” through his actions on September 11th. Strauss also won the NYPD Medal of Honor.

Chamber president Ray Sikorski spoke about the importance of acts of kindness this holiday season and doing something nice and generous for someone else. Sikorski said he randomly gave money to a stranger recently.

“They looked at me like I was crazy and thought there was a catch,” He said. “I told them there was no catch and wished them a happy holiday.”