
theFarmingdaleObserver.com Calendar

Karaoke Night Fundraiser
Saturday, July 23

Bowling and Business Card Swap
Tuesday, July 26

Emergency Preparedness Seminar
Wednesday, July 27

Saturday, July 23

Karaoke Night Fundraiser

Hosted by the Farmingdale Knights of Columbus on July 23 at 7:30 p.m. Cost: $15 includes bar snacks, hot dogs, beer, wine and soda, coffee and dessert. This fundraising event will be held at the Knight of Columbus 2204, 1 Morton St., Farmingdale (Off Route 109 – behind 7-11. Advance tickets please. Call Pat 694-4295 or email lyn@stkilian@yahoo.com. Come enjoy a great reasonable night out plus check out the K of C Hall and beautiful back yard which is available to rent for your next party or event (free WIFI). Also come meet the K of C and Col-umbiettes of Farmingdale and consider becoming a member. Nonperishable items for St. Kilian’s Outreach Food Pantry will also be collected (bin is in Lobby of K of C Hall) and are always appreciated.

Tuesday, July 26

Bowling and Business Card Swap

The Farmingdale Chamber of Commerce Bowling and Business Card Swap will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. at Farmingdale Lanes, 999 Conklin St., Farmingdale. Cash bar, wine and cheese compliments of Farmingdale Lanes. Free bowling on lanes dedicated to chamber members and their families. Bring your business cards and feel free to invite your business associates. This is a networking event open to all chamber members, their families and guests. Call 631-249-4300.

Wednesday, July 27

Summer Fair

The Our Lady Mercy Summer Fair is operating in its 4th year and will take place at 500 South Oyster Bay Rd., Hicksville, July 27 through July 31 from 6 to 11 p.m. The fair will offer live entertainment, rides, games, food, raffles, casino and fun.

Emergency Preparedness Seminar

With Long Island in the middle of hurricane season, NYS Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-Merrick) invites local residents to an emergency preparedness seminar he is sponsoring. The program will be held at the Seaford Library, 2234 Jackson Ave., Seaford, at 7 p.m. Representatives from the NC Office of Emergency Management, the American Red Cross and LIPA will teach residents how they should prepare their families and their homes to deal with an emergency, what supplies to have available, how to make a “go kit” and what to do if a hurricane or other emergency occurs. Residents who would like more information about the program can call Senator Fuschillo’s office 882-0630.

Saturday, July 30

Farmingdale High School Class of 1981 Reunion

The Farmingdale High School Class of 1981 Reunion is having its 30th Reunion at the Stuart Thomas Manor in Farmingdale. Tickets can be purchased online at www.fhs81.info.

Runners Group

Train with certified athletic trainer and tri-athlete, Steve Barell to run in the Cow Harbor 10K race in Northport. Come run the two-mile fitness trail at Wantagh Park. Meet at the beginning of the trail at 10 a.m. The runners group and fitness trail are free (non-Nassau residents may be charged $10 parking fee). Call 576-5751 or email mpignataro@physicalsolutions li.com

Wednesday, August 3

Farmingdale Village Pops Concert Series

Held on the Village Green. Children’s Concert at 7:30 p.m.

Thursday, August 4

LI NAIM Catholic Widows And Widowers Club

Meeting at the VFW Post 7277 Hall, 191Veterans Blvd., Massapequa, at 8 p.m. Proof of widower/widowhood is required. Call Frank 781-4763.

Saturday, August 6

Runners Group

Train with certified athletic trainer and tri-athlete, Steve Barell to run in the Cow Harbor 10K race in Northport. Meet at the Bethpage High School track at 10 a.m. The runners group and fitness trail are free. Come get fit and make new friends. Call 576-5751 or email mpignataro@ physicalsolutionsli.com

Sunday, August 7

Classic Car Show Fundraiser

Held by the Farmingdale Breakfast Rotary Club Foundation will hold a classic car show fundraiser from 1 to 5 p.m. at the municipal parking lot #2 behind Bollinger’s at 282 Main St. Call Errol Ross for more information 297-0232. Rain date Aug. 14.

Upcoming Events

Attention Artists and Community

Mark your calendar “Art in the Park” – Saturday, Sept. 24 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. “On the Green,” Main St. Rain date Sept. 25. Ribbons to be awarded. For applications and information go to -www.farm-ingdalevillage.com_and click community events. Sponsored by the Women’s Club of Farmingdale and the Farmingdale Chamber of Commerce.

Live Music Wednesday Nights

At Carlyle on the Green, 88 Quaker Meeting House, Farmingdale. Doors open at 7 p.m.; music starts at 8:30 p.m. Call 501-9700:

•July 27: Full House

•Aug. 3: Mystic

Ongoing Events

Amityville Farmers Market

Every Friday from 2 to 7 p.m. through Sept 30 at the 9/11 Memorial Park, Route 110, Amityville. Farm fresh produce, dairy products, eggs, gluten free organic artisan baker and much more. Contact Jaime for more info 297-7997.

Stroke Support Groups

Stroke Life Society is a community organization of survivors and co-survivors in the pursuit of living and helping others. A stroke can be very isolating. By sharing experiences and encouraging one another, together we can face and overcome common challenges. All welcome. RSVP is requested but not required. For information and other locations and times, call Ben Thomas 398-4994. Go to www.strokelife.org.

•Aug. 3 (and every first Wednesday of the month) at 11 a.m. in Room 12, St. Frances de Chantal, 1309 Wantagh Ave., Wantagh.

•Aug. 8 (and very second Monday of the month) at 6 p.m. at the Church of St. Jude, 3606 Lufberry Ave., Wantagh.

•Aug 19 (and every third Friday) at 2 p.m. at St. Bernard’s Parish Center, 3100 Hempstead Tpke., Levittown.

Transfer Student Information Session

The Office of Transfer Services offers Information Sessions for students who want to transfer into one of Farmingdale State College’s degree programs. The question answer session is concluded by a campus tour including smart classrooms, residence halls, dining hall and athletic facilities. Noon to 1:30 p.m. through July 27. For more information, call Christine Nieves 631-794-6139 or email nievesc@farmingdale.edu.

Weekly Events

•Bingo every Monday to support Deborah Hospital. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the game starts at 7:15 p.m. at 110 Bingo Hall, 585 Broadhollow Rd., Melville. Call Pam 631-730-8021.

•Free Support Group for divorced or separated meets every Monday except holidays from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at St Kilian’s RC Church Parish Center (basement), 485 Conklin St. (Route 24). Widowed welcome as well. All singles needing support. Call 516-753-0923 or Lyn.StKilian@Yahoo.com.

•Therapeutic Movement Group. Bodies in Motion is a therapeutic movement group for children ages 5 to 1 who need that extra special attention to promote coordination, strength, balance, fine and gross motor skills, social skills, attention and focusing. This group meets Tuesdays at 4:30 p.m. at Hot Shots Xtremes Gymnastics Center, second floor, 127 B. Carmans Rd., Farmingdale. Call 631-249-3127 or 631-249-3126. Email: kidsjumpstart@yahoo.com. Facilitators are licensed therapists specializing in pediatrics.

•Overeaters Anonymous. Are you a compulsive overeater? Under eater? Overeaters Anonymous can help. There is a meeting on Tuesdays on the corner of Salisbury Park Dr. and Carmans Rd., East Meadow, across from the firehouse from 7:45 to 9:15 p.m. Call for directions 997-4534. For information about the meeting call Nancy 798-2547 (between 7 and 9 p.m.) or Ed 845-5423.

•Caregiver Support Group offered by the LI Alzheimer’s Foundation at Brandywine Senior Living at Huntington Terrace, 70 Pinelawn Rd., Melville. This professionally facilitated group meets on Mondays from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. and allows participants opportunities to share feelings and strategies related to caring for a person with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia. Call 767-6856 and speak with group facilitator, Alana Rosenstein, LMSW, before attending for the first time. Those who are financially able are asked to contribute $10 to the LI Alzheimer’s Foundation for each session they attend.

•Senior Pops Orchestra. If you love good music and play the violin, cello, viola or bass, come join the Senior Pops Orchestra. Rehearsals on Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. at Sweet Hollow Hall, West Hills County Park, Melville (near Northern State Route 110). The “Pops” is a not-for-profit organization whose members enjoy getting together to make beautiful music. Call 414-1831 for travel directions. Further information call 795-1706.

•The Scrabble Club meets on Thursdays from 12:15 to 3:15 p.m. at the Plainedge Library, 1060 Hicksville Rd., Massapequa. All ages. Scrabble players wanted. Call Judy 827-9506.

•Storytime every Thursday at 11 a.m. at Borders, 231 Airport Plaza, Farmingdale. Call 631-752-0194.

•The Relationship Journey, a group for widow, widowers, divorced and singles 45+. Meets every Thursday at 8 p.m. at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 449 Stewart Ave., Bethpage. Fee $7. Facilitated by TV talk show host of The Relationship Journey. Refreshments. Call 395-8303 for room location.

•Mastering Life – Conversations. Do you experience frustration in relationships, career, health, confidence? Conversations produces a permanent, positive shift in all areas of life. Led by Stefan Deutsch, human development expert. Thursdays from 10 a.m. to noon and Sundays from 6 to 8 p.m. in Melville. Call 631-692-0986. $10.

•Clutterers Anonymous, a 12-step self-help group, offers help and support to those who have clutter problems in their homes or workplace. Meets weekly on Thursdays from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at the United Methodist Church, 265 Asbury Ave., and also the 1st and 3rd Friday from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at the School of the Community Reformed Church, 90 Plandome Rd., Manhasset. There are no dues or fees. For more information, email CLAWestbury@yahoo.com, call (866) 800-3881 or visit www.ClutterersAnonymous.net.

•Massapequa Singles and Massapequa Couples holds dances every Friday from noon to 4 p.m. Couples and singles tables. Professional Dance Lesson at 11:15 a.m. Dance starts at noon and a full-course hot buffet luncheon is served at 1 p.m. $15 donation. Singles are introduced and partners are encourage at Manor East Catering Hall, 201 Jerusalem Ave., Massapequa. Email Dancezee@aol.com or call 332-7825.

•Massapequa Singles and Massapequa Couples hosts a workshop to Learn To Dance. All Social Dances, American and Latin. Partners are encouraged but not necessary at 11:15 a.m. every Friday at Manor East Catering Hall, 201 Jerusalem Ave., Massapequa. $10. Email Dancezee@aol.com or call 332-7825.

•Overeaters Anonymous. Are you a compulsive overeater? Under eater? Overeaters Anonymous can help. There is a meeting on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to noon at St. Rose of Lima Church, 2 Bayview Ave., Massapequa. For information about the meeting call Nancy 798-2547 (between 7 and 9 p.m.) or Ed 845-5423.

Monthly Events

•Island Photo Group, a group of photographers working together to advance each other’s photographic skills and to be an exciting force in photographic education on LI. Meets the 1st, 2nd, 4th Mondays of every month at 7:30 p.m. (except legal holidays) in the Community Center in Allen Park, 101 Motor Ave. Check our calendar of events at www.islandphotogroup.com or call 516-450-LENS.

•Farmingdale Columbiettes #2204 welcomes new members. Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at Farmingdale Knights of Columbus Hall #2204, 1 Morton St. (off Route 109 behind 7-11). This wonderful Catholic women’s organization is based on charity and would love for you to join. If interested in hearing more contact Ginny 631-619-6963 or email Lyn at lyn.stkilian@yahoo.com.

•Performance Poets Association. This talented troupe performs original poetry recitals on the third Monday of each month at 8 p.m. at Borders Books, 231 Airport Plaza, Route 110, Farmingdale. Call Judith D’Ambrosio 579-2474.

•Farmingdale Knights of Columbus meeting at 8 p.m. at 1 Morton St. (off 109). New members always welcome. Call 1-631-755-2204. Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month.

•Speak Easy: A Toastmasters Club. Can help you conquer your fear of public speaking. In Bethpage, Northrop Grumman Toastmasters meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 5:45 p.m. in Northrop Grumman Building 5, South Oyster Bay Rd., Bethpage. Call Brian 346-7516.

•Farmingdale Veterans of Foreign Wars. The Veterans of Foreign Corp. George Benkert Jr. Post of Farmingdale is actively recruiting veterans of Afghanistan, Iraq, Desert Storm, Vietnam, Korea and WWII. Membership requirements include active participation in a foreign conflict. For membership qualifications contact membership chairman Bob Fullam at 516-694-5530. The VFW building is at 635 Main St., Farmingdale, and members meet there on the second Tuesday of each month at 8:30 p.m.

•Farmingdale American Legion, Hugh C. Newman Post #449 is looking for new members who have served in the Armed Forces during various wars and conflicts such as WWII, Korea, Viet Nam and the Gulf War. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month at VFW Post #516, 635 Main St. (just south of the railroad crossing), at 8:15 p.m. Call Commander Thomas Taylor 752-9613.

•LI Junior Chamber of Commerce regularly has the Meet and Greet on the first Thursday and the monthly meeting on the third Tuesday of each month, along with a variety of other events throughout the month, For more information on the LI Junior Chamber, visit WWW.LIJC.com. Contact: Martin Dekom, Chairman, 850-2717 – Mdekom@gmail.com; Julie Dekom, Membership Director -Julz_5@yahoo.com; Steven Eiselen, Community Development VP -SEiselen@msn.com.

•South Shore Hand Smockers meet on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the First Baptist Church, Main St., Babylon. Beginners are welcome. Call Marie 631-277-1096.

•Italian Culture Society at Farmingdale meets the last Tuesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at Ellsworth W. Allen Park, Motor Ave. Italian lessons are given by a native Italian teacher. For lessons in Italian come early at 6:30 p.m. Refreshments are served – ample parking. For private lessons call Francesca at 249-4543.

•Central Oyster Bay Democratic Club (COBDC) meets the third Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in the community room at Ellsworth Allen Park, Motor Ave., Farmingdale. All are welcome to attend. The club serves the communities of Plainview, Bethpage, Old Bethpage, Farmingdale, North Massapequa, Massapequa Park and Massapequa. For more information email centoysterbaydems@gmail.com or attend a meeting.

•Farmingdale AARP Chapter 3967 welcomes new members, offers senior information, entertainment and Bingo at meetings which are held on the third Wednesday of the month at 1 p.m. at the Farmingdale Public Library. New members sought. Call President Ann Derasmo 631-694-2371.

•Free Diabetes Support Group for adults living with diabetes meets the third Wednesday of each month from 1 to 2 p.m. Facilitators are certified Diabetes educators. The group provides a forum for support and diabetes education. The meetings are held in the Diabetes Education Classroom at New Island Hospital, 4295 Hempstead Tpke., Bethpage. Call 520-2213 to reserve a spot.

•Green Living Seminars, a series hosted by Starflower Experiences at 7 p.m. at the Melville Branch of the Half Hollow Hills Library, 510 Sweet Hollow Rd., directly across from the Sunquam Elementary School (between Route 110 and Old Country Rd.). The seminars will be held on the second Thursday of each month except July and August. Call 938-6152.

•Bethpage Masonic Lodge No. 975 Free and Accepted Masons will meet at 8 p.m. at the Hicksville Masonic Temple, 18 W. Nicholai St., Hicksville. Meetings are every second and fourth Friday. Call 731-2488.

•Italian Genealogical Group meetings are held on the second Saturday of every month from September to June at 10:30 a.m. at the Bethpage Library, 50 Powell Ave., Bethpage. Free. Visit http://www.italian.org. Telephone 631-931-3907 Free.

•Earthwalk conducted by the staff of Starflower Experiences on the first Sunday of every other month at 2 p.m. A light touch of nature on an unusual and enjoyable walk. Discover the wonders of the natural world through your senses. For adults and children 9 and up. Meet at Sweet Hollow Hall in West Hills County Park, Melville. Fee of $2.50 per person. Call 938-6152 to sign up and for directions.

Ongoing Programs

Farmingdale Adult Day Care Center

A social day care program offering socialization and stimulation to persons 60 and over. The caring staff provides innovative activities for those who can no longer attend regular senior centers because of physical and/or mental impairment. It also affords respite to caregivers allowing them valued time to devote to matters of home or personal needs. This interfaith service meets on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the United Methodist Church, 407 Main St. Support groups are also held once a month on Wednesdays. Call 293-8928.

The Art Club

Has year round classes all taught by a professional. Classes for the littlest artist to the more serious, adult classes too. Call for more information at 742-7662 or go onto the web at www.theartclub.info.

Safe Boating Courses

Safe Boating Courses, free vessel safety checks and more from America’s Boating Club, the United States Power Squadrons. With 18 squadrons around Long Island, there’s one near you. Visit WeBoatSafe.org or call 1-800-341-8777 for more information.

Free Educational Services

Free courses and academic advice is available to economically and educationally disadvantages adults. The LI Educational Opportunity Center offers programs leading to employment in a variety of fields as well as entrance to college. The LIEOC has satellite units in many areas. Call the unit located at Hooper Hall, Farmingdale State College, at 631-434-3740 for further information.

Hope for Youth

Hope for Youth is a not-for-profit agency located in Amityville and serving LI families and youth since 1969. Caring families are being sought to be part of the agency’s Therapeutic Foster Care Program or the Emergency Foster Boarding home program. Extensive training is offered and support to foster parents. If you are interested in finding out more about the programs, call 631-666-9333.

Bring a Smile to a Poor Person’s Face

That is the invitation being sent across LI by Hope for the Future Ministries, a Farmingdale-based not-for-profit organization which helps the poor and homeless. Items needed include warm hats and scarves, thermal gloves and socks, thermal underwear, sweatshirts and sweatpants, toiletries and toys, new gifts, unwrapped with price tags removed. Bring to Hope for the Future Ministries, 131 Verdi St. Call 752-5771.

Massapequa Park Senior Center

Welcome! Come join the Massapequa Park Senior Community Service Center, 379 Linden St., Massapequa Park (Our Lady of Lourdes School). Meet new people, lunch with friends. Experience new things: painting, sculpture, arts and crafts, Tai Chi, dancing, trips and much more. Transportation is available. Call today for a reservation 797-5357. Program sponsored by Catholic Charities Diocese of Rockville Centre. Funded by the NC Dept. of Senior Citizen Affairs, the NYS Office of the Aging and the US Administration on Aging.

Support Groups

The following support groups will be held at the Plainedge Baptist Church, 96 Stewart Ave., Bethpage. For free enrollment or information call 731-6736.

•Alcohol/Substance Dependency Support Group. Celebrate Recovery is a nationally acclaimed program that invites people of any faith or no faith at all to experience God’s healing power in the lives of all who suffer from alcohol or drug dependency. Mondays from 7:30 to 9 p.m.

•Divorce/Separation Support Group. DivorceCare helps people recover from the pain of separation and divorce. Become a part of a small support group of people who are experiencing the same. This is a non-denominational video seminar with nationally recognized experts on divorce and recovery. Thursdays from 7:30 to 9 p.m.

•Grief Recovery Support Group. GriefShare is a non-denominational, 13-week video seminar featuring interviews with leading authors, counselors, speakers and pastors with years of expertise in grief recovery. Tuesdays from 7 to 9 p.m.

Pretty New Thrift Shop

Donations are needed for the Pretty New Thrift Shop, 238 Main St., Farmingdale. The shop supports the work of Central Nassau Guidance and Counseling Services, Inc., a multi-service mental health and substance abuse agency located in Hicksville. The shop is open Monday-Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and accepts gently used clothing, housewares, furniture and collectibles. Call 420-1394.

Free Writer’s Workshops

Got a hidden talent? Why not share it and develop it at a free writer’s workshop? The LI Writer’s Guild is a friendly, Nassau County-based organization of amateur/professional, published/unpublished poets, essayists, novelists and short story writers who meet at informal workshops at the Levittown and Bethpage Libraries. Everything from plot development to characterization to basic literary theory for the fiction and nonfiction writer alike is discussed and practiced. There are reading and critiquing sessions and recommendations and contacts for the more serious writers seeking to publish their work is provided. For a schedule of workshops and social events, log onto www.liwritersguild.org.

YES Community Counseling Center

Located at 75 Grand Ave., YES is a non-profit community-based agency licensed and funded by the NYS Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services. Call 799-3203 or visit yesccc.org for information on the following:

•Adult Alcohol and Substance Abuse Psycho-Educational Series. This 10-week group is for adults whose lives have been affected by their alcohol or substance use. The program addresses the dynamics of addiction in a supportive environment at the beginning stage of recovery. Ongoing and open.

•Active Parenting Program. This six-week program is for parents seeking support and assistance in enhancing parenting skills. The group is offered several times throughout the year, based upon request and need in the community.

•Adolescent Alcohol and Substance Abuse Psycho-Educational and Support Group for males and females between the ages of 13 and 17 who are either at risk for or are currently using alcohol or substances. This program addresses the dynamics of addiction in the context of adolescent development. Ongoing and open.

•Anger Management Group. This 10-week group is for males and females ages 14 to 17 who can benefit from developing healthier coping skills and more effective strategies in response to their angler. The group is offered several times throughout the year, based upon request and need in the community.

•Cooperative Parenting through Divorce. This eight-week program is for parents seeking support related to separation and divorce issues. This group is offered several times throughout the year, based on request and need in the community.

•Female Self-Esteem Group for females between the ages of 14 and 18 who present with self-esteem issues and related at risk behaviors including alcohol/substance use, sexual promiscuity, poor choices in relationships, violence, poor academic achievement. Ongoing and open.

•Training for Mandated CPS Reporters. YES is approved by the NYS Dept. of Education to provide the state’s two-hour certification training for individuals training for mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect. Call for more information or to register for the next training dated.

•Support Groups: Specialized groups are available for adolescents, young adults, men and women who are seeking support and addressing various issues including socialization, transitioning to adulthood, relationships and recovery.

•Quitting smoking is the single most important action you can take to improve your health and overall quality of life. If you are interested in taking the first step to smoke-free living call YES Community Counseling Center and register for the Smoking Cessation Group which meets for five one-hour sessions. The cost of the entire five-week group is $75. Call Marissa at YES and register to attend. A start day/time will be determined based upon interest.

•Young Adult Support and Recovery Group for young adults between the ages of 18 and 23 at any stage in the recovery process. The group’s focus is to support goal development and achievement necessary to transition to a healthy adulthood. Issues addressed include education, employment, social and family relationships and the challenges of maintaining abstinence. Ongoing and open.