
Mystery Picture: August 9, 2011

Tony Pilla Knows Oyster Bay

Tony Pilla said in an email, “I think this week’s Aug. 2 picture in the Enterprise Pilot was taken along Shore Road between Oyster Bay and Bayville and looking across the bay towards Centre Island.” He added, “Regards to all from Tony Pilla of Anniston, AL.”

Billy Minicozzi said, “It’s a metal guardrail along Shore Road, near the traffic light.” On a sports note he said, “Tiger Woods is back golfing; and I can’t wait until September, when football starts again.”  On a personal note he said, “I went to Cape Cod and went whale watching on the harbor and saw a lot of whales.”

How Well Do You Know the Area? Do you know where this week’s picture was taken? If you do, call the Enterprise-Pilot at 747-8282 and let us know. If you have a picture that you think might be interesting for others to guess, drop it off in our box at Raynham Hall Museum, 20 East Main St., Oyster Bay.

Tom Hogan, Esq., former town councilman, called and said, “It’s Shore Road. It’s one of the few roads that is still there, and not collapsed, 30 years after Lou Hassel, of Nassau County said, ‘Before I leave it will collapse. Sooner or later they will have to fix it – as long as it doesn’t collapse first.’”

West Shore Road is still there, with great views, and a crumbling walkway and guardrail. A longtime traffic engineer with the county told us that type of steel rail is still the best kind to use. Hopefully one day there will be a consensus on how to repair and possibly raise that portion of the road to prevent the road from flooding. Didn’t we hear some time ago that work was going to happen in that area – working from the Oyster Bay Wildlife Refuge side?  Some projects go on so long it is hard to keep up.  – DFK