As if Kraft’s Double Stuf Oreos weren’t enough, the Triple Double Oreo has arrived!
Back in May, the rumors of this delicious treat went viral– Mouths watered as visions of the enhanced treat came to mind. But rumors remained just that.
Today, Kraft Foods announced that the Triple Double Oreo was real and that the company would be releasing it this week.
“Our fans’ passion and enthusiasm has challenged us to raise our game. With the Triple Double Oreo cookie, we set out to take Oreo to another level by adding a new twist,” said Jessica Robinson, associate director of consumer engagement, Kraft Foods in a statement. “We are looking forward to engaging with Oreo fans as they share their twisting, licking and dunking moments with the new Triple Double Oreo cookie.”
The cookie combines two layers of Oreocreme, one chocolate and one original, with three layers of crunchy, chocolaty OREO cookies.
“The birthplace of Oreo is America, but it’s one global cookie,” says John Ghingo, senior director of global marketing, Oreo in a statement. “We’re excited when we can take a popular idea in one country and share it with other Oreo fans around the world. It’s ideas like this that have made Oreo the world’s favorite cookie.”
The Triple Double Oreo cookie is available at grocery stores across the United States starting this week. The treat is priced at f$4.19 per package with one cookie having 100 calories and a total of 4.5g of fat.