
Letter: Analyzing ‘The Recession’

(Editor’s note: This letter is in response to Maryann Sinclair Slutsky’s article The Recession that appeared in the “From Long Island Wins” column published on Friday, Aug. 19 in the Farmingdale Observer.)

This letter is in response to Long Island Wins latest article by Maryann Sinclair Slutsky entitled The Recession. Let’s review and analyze The Recession.

Of course, like all her prior pieces, Slutsky is selling her immigration reform and amnesty for illegal aliens, in her endless efforts to convince law-abiding U.S. citizens that illegal aliens/criminals belong here. A position, I clearly do not agree with, but here are some of Maryann Slutsky’s and Long Island Wins solutions to our financial troubles.  I use quotes to distinguish Slutsky’s own words and postulations.

Let me be clear of one thing. There is a large distinction between immigrants, and illegal immigrants. Simply stated, immigrants are here in the United States legally; they followed the law, and were given the credentials to live freely within our country. Whereas illegal immigrants are in violation of our Nation’s Immigration Laws, and are interlopers. One could say illegal immigrants are akin to that of a common house burglar, who willfully breaks into your home, all the while knowing they’re breaking the law.

Now for our nation’s economic solutions as Slutsky sees it. She believes that our “politicians seem a little stuck for solutions” to fix our economy, and the impending recession. Slutsky believes, like many of us, that jobs should be the focus. In principle I’d agree, but she’s not talking, or championing for us law-abiding American citizens who are in desperate need of jobs. No, she’s fighting for a whole different job pool – illegal immigrants.

The simple solution Slutsky and LI Wins is supporting, is for illegal aliens to be “unleashed” and their talents could flood our labor pool. This illegal labor pool could then become tax-paying contributors to our economy, “broaden our tax base” and create “new businesses.” The solution to all our economic problems is as simple as “immigration reform” she proclaims. Are you chuckling yet? Wait, there’s more wisdom.

Slutsky once again, uses her old statistic that, “On Long Island alone, immigrants contribute $10 billion a year to our economy.” Yes, I researched that, it’s true but it does not account for, nor include illegal immigrants. This statistic solely applies to legal immigrants, and many contributions are by Asian immigrants. A nice stat but it’s not applicable to Slutsky’s position. Nice try though.

Slutsky continues by claiming that Arizona’s strict enforcement of U.S. Immigration laws, upheld by the courts, caused many illegals to flee the State, and as a result Arizona lost “some of their best and most diligent workers, and many of their consumers.” Again, Americans finding work, are not Slutsky’s concern, she’s all about the plight of the illegals.

Her latest article wraps up proclaiming that without immigration reform, and I’m not convinced any reform is needed, but without it, the current “economic maelstrom” will continue, and “we cannot afford to throw away tax dollars on bad policy.” Bad policy? Arizona proved that enforcement of United States Immigration Laws already on the books work. What this nation has not done for far too many decades is enforce its own laws.  

Enforcement is the simple key. When the immigration laws were finally enforced in Arizona, illegals fled. Illegals are not ignorant of our nation’s laws, and they know right from wrong. So, why would anyone support lawlessness in America? How is it that amnesty for criminal behavior is suddenly a solution to our economic woes? It’s not.

Long Island Wins, and Maryann Slutsky are being financed and backed by hundreds of thousands of dollars, yes hundreds of thousands, to sway and convince you that illegal immigrants should be granted amnesty. Research the Hagerdorn Foundation, and see who else they finance to sway public opinion. I’d rather see those monies be spent on Americans in need. Wouldn’t you?

Kevin Hassett, Farmingdale resident