
Letter: Do Not Remove Marianna Wohlgemuth From Water Authority

As a long-time resident of New Hyde Park, I am writing in support of continuing Marianna Wohlgemuth as a Board Member for the Western Nassau County Water Authority.

Mrs. Wohlgemuth has been an advocate and civic leader in our community for over 22 years. She has been diligent in her efforts to benefit our quality of life by keeping our neighborhood clean and safe. She does not receive a salary, money or any other perks from her advocacy; she does not seek personal gratification, has never sought a job from the Town of North Hempstead or asked for political favors. Marianna is successful in what she does because she owes no favors and does not rely on the town to put food on her plate.

I am personally offended that because of her outspokenness, Jon Kaiman has decided to punish her by removing her from the Board of the Water Authority. Marianna Wohglemuth is someone who genuinely cares about her community, works selflessly on our behalf and should not be “removed” just because Mr. Kaiman doesn’t like what she has to say.

Supervisor Kaiman’s decision to ignore Marianna’s desire to continue to represent New Hyde Park is ill-timed. We will remember his actions on November 8th – we will remember how much he cares about New Hyde Park.

Dorothy Muller