
Hicksville-Jericho Rotary Installs New Officers

Rotarian Dr. Irwin Gross honored for 50 years of perfect attendance

The Rotary Club of Hicksville-Jericho installed its most recent president, officers and board of directors on June 28. Dr. James J. Bentson was inducted as the new president by fellow Rotarian Dr. Irwin Gross.

Also installed as executive officers by Dr. Gross were Elizabeth Goldfrank, vice president; Donna Rivera-Downey, secretary; and Gerry Poli, treasurer; Dr. James Bentson, past president and William Schuckmann, past president.

In addition to the ceremony, Dr. Irwin Gross was honored for having achieved 50 years of perfect attendance at Rotary meetings. Dr. Gross joined the Hicksville Rotary Club in 1962 and has never missed a meeting in 50 years. He was presented with a Rotary pin commemorating his 50 years of service by Rotarian Thomas Howell. His service is a testament to the motto of Rotary International, which is, “Service Above Self.”

The Hicksville-Jericho Rotary has been serving the Hicksville-Jericho community since 1951, providing scholarships to local high school students, supporting the Hicksville Boys and Girls Club, the local food pantry, the Gift of Life and many more charitable projects. If you or someone you know is interested in joining the organization to support the community, you can email Donna Rivera-Downey at drd45@optonline. net or call 532-4566. Please visit their website at www. hicksvillejerichorotary.org.