
Herricks Adds Classes To Accommodate Registration

Increased class size determining factor

At the last meeting of the Herricks School Board the board announced that they would be adding classes in several of the schools to accommodate the increased registration in those grades.

The board will add an additional section to the Denton Avenue School fifth grade. Also, another section will be added to the Center Street School fifth grade. Plus, they will add another second grade to the Searingtown School.

Board president Christine Turner said they will also be watching other classes for increased registration. She said, “But for now these are the class changes we are definitely making.”

Assistant Superintendent for Instruction Dr. Deirdre Hayes said that regarding any of the classes that have been expanded, the teachers that were let go will, if they are still available, be hired back.

Seniors Taking AP Courses

Dr. Bierwirth then announced that this year 75 percent of the graduates took at least one Advanced Placement Course (AP). He said, “Only a few years ago only 60 percent of seniors were involved with AP courses and when I first came only 30 percent of seniors took AP courses.”

Dr. Bierwirth added, “This is a real testament to them, to their families and to the education that has prepared them from kindergarten all the way up.”

Questions From The Public

A resident in the audience wanted to know if Mary Harrison, who was appointed as consultant to the district is the same person who has been a guidance counselor.

Dr. Bierwirth confirmed that it was and that she has been trained by Don Barton, who he stated was the very best in scheduling and that is what Ms. Harrison will be doing. Dr. Bierwirth added, “It is very nice on her part to be willing to take part of her vacation to come and help our folks.”

Dr. Bierwirth added, “We already have the scheduling for the middle school and high school students completed, but what we don’t want to have to do is go back to the students and tell them to change the courses they have requested to something else.

“With Don Barton in charge, he would be able to accommodate 5 to 6 percent of students the course they wanted. However, we will notify any students if their requests cannot be granted in August.”

APPR Approved By Association Of Administrators And Supervisors

The Association of Administrators and Supervisors came to an agreement regarding the mandated Annual Professional Performance Review now required by the state. Dr. Bierwirth said it was a very good, very fast and noncontrovertial decision.

The next item on the agenda was to appoint Chris Connors as district registrar and after having been tabled at the reorganizational meeting, it was approved.

Athletics Budget For 2012-2013/Field Usage By Community Groups

Metropolitan Youth Orchestra meets every Tuesday from 6 to 9 p.m. and it was to be determined how many students are not in the Herricks District.

Other groups discussed were the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, PTA, New Hyde Park Runners, New Hyde Park Wildcats, Garden City Park Soccer.

The fees are all dependent on the amount of usage and the further discussion was about the use of the outside fields as compared to using the buildings and gyms for their meetings.

Dr. Bierwirth reminded the board that last year they requested that Athletic Director Jim Petricka come up with an overall savings $25,000 raised through the various fees for the fields, which was done.

This year fees be raised for all outside groups that use space in the building.

Since no actual number or formula was suggested, those figures will be discussed and the final figure submitted at the next board meeting.        

List of 2012-2013 Board Liaisons

Acorn Ponds – Christine Turner
Albertson Soccer League-Brian Hassan
Albertson/Herricks Little League-Brian Hassan
Art Boosters Association-Nancy Feinstein
Browers Hill Civic Association-Christine Turner
Center Street PTA-Christine Turner
Denton Avenue PTA-Jim Gounaris
Herricks Community Fund-Christine Turner/Brian Hassan
Herricks Senior Citizens(Wednesday)-Nancy Feinstein
Herricks Council of PTAs-Jim Counaris/Christine Turner
Herricks Music Boosters-Nancy Feinstein
Herricks High School PTSA-Sanjay K. Jain
Herricks Athletic Boosters-Jim Gournaris/Brian Hassan
Herricks Community Coalition-Christine Turner
Herricks Leisure Club (Thursday)-Jim Gounaris
Herricks Middle School PTA-Brian Hassan
New Hyde Park Wilcats-Jim Gounaris
Searingtown School PTA-Nancy Feinstein
Herricks SEPTA-Jim Gounaris
Williston Park Little League-Brian Hassan
Herricks Indo-US Community-Sanjay K. Jain
Chinese American Association of North Hempstead-Christine Turner
Manhasset Hills/Herricks Civic Association-Jim Gounaris/Sanjay K. Jain.

The board ended the meeting and set the next meeting for Aug. 9 at 7:15 p.m. at the Herricks Community Center, 999 Herricks Road, New Hyde Park at which time the board will then submit the fee suggestions for the various organizations and venues.