We had an excellent opening for the district. After a very tight Capital Projects schedule, our students reported back to school last Tuesday to beautifully renovated and sparkling buildings. We opened school with 1619 students this year. This evening, our director of Facilities, Architect and Construction Management firm are here to give you highlights of the work that has been completed and to answer any questions the board of education may have.
All of our staff received training on the Right to Know and the new Dignity for All Students Act. Parents will also be informed of the components of the law and district policy at our Back-to-School night on Sept. 20. Teachers will be working as grade level teams this year, implementing the Common Core Learning Standards in English Language Arts and mathematics. Our curriculum committees met all last year to check our district frameworks and make adjustments whenever necessary for our curriculum and materials to be in alignment with the new CCLS.
We continue to work on financial efficiencies with proper business procedures and taking advantage of collaborative bids for goods and services whenever possible. Our record-keeping and financial procedures are held to the highest rigor as demonstrated by the outstanding claims audit report that the District Audit Committee will be presenting to the board for approval tonight.
We are ready for the academic challenges that the state continues to provide for us each year and we have put the necessary supports academic wise in classrooms whenever necessary.
Please stay informed by visiting classroom, school and district websites this year and we thank our community for their continued support.