
Garden City Public Schools’ Question of the Week

In order to clarify the complex budget issues facing Garden City Public Schools as it formulates the 2013-2014 budget, the district continues its “Question of the Week” feature to provide information and address concerns expressed by residents. A complete listing of the questions and answers will be posted on the district’s website: www.gardencity.k12.ny.us.

Question of the Week:

What happens if the 2013-2014 school district budget fails?

Because the proposed 2012-2014 budget (3.19 percent with STAR) falls below the maximum allowable tax levy for Garden City Public Schools (3.91 percent), a simple majority (50 percent + 1) is required for passage. If the budget referendum fails to achieve a simple majority of the vote on May 21, the board of education can decide to put up the same or an adjusted budget for public re-vote. Under state law, the re-vote must take place on June 18. If the re-vote fails, the district would be forced to adopt a “contingency” or “austerity” budget with a 0 percent tax increase.

The contingency budget cap for 2013-14 ($104,608,327) would require a reduction of $2,994,039, or approximately the equivalent of 33 FTE (full-time equivalent) teachers (including benefits).

To view a copy of the 2013-14 budget brochure (hard copy to be mailed to homes shortly), and for complete information about the proposed 2013-14 school budget and other resources for residents, visit the “Budget Information” section on the district’s home web page: www.gardencity.k12.ny.us.