
Lutheran Preschool Celebrates 50 Years

At the annual Family Day and Art Show Celebration recently at Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, Lutheran preschool celebrated its 50th birthday. The children decorated the gym with class-made party decorations and adorned the hallways and classrooms with beautiful art work. The family worship service reflected the theme of the year, “Fruits of the Spirit.” Children all wore their special 50th T-shirts and sang and danced to songs learned throughout the year.

All teachers were honored for their service and dedication to the school. Special recognition went to Director Christine Turner, teacher Carolyn Edel and music teacher Linda Wardley, for 25 years of service. Marianne Lemkau was honored for serving the preschool in many capacities throughout 40 years as teacher, assistant and clerical assistant. Many alumni returned for the day, including parents whose children now attend the school. The festivities culminated with a birthday party in the gym, where everyone enjoyed cake, cookies and punch.

“We look forward to serving Garden City and surrounding communities with early childhood programs for the next fifty years,” said Mrs. Turner. There are still a few openings for September. Call Director Christine Turner at 516-741-6447 for information, a tour and an application.