The late Steve Prefontaine once said that whenever he wondered why he ran, it always came back to self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement. At a recent Mitchel Field meet, the Garden City Girls track and field team undoubtedly reaped in both of those feelings in spades after capturing its seventh straight County Championship. Right out of the gate on Day 1, the Lady Trojans set the tone by winning each of the events they ran in. Whatever the event—400-intermediate hurdles, 4×400 relay, 100-meter spring or the 2,000-meter steeplechase—the girls track team came up big, with the most notable finishers being Emma Gallagher (three victories), Stephanie Gerland (two victories), sister Jennifer (one second place finish) and high-jumping freshman Tiana Biscone (second place). With the County Championship under its belt, the Lady Trojans next challenge will be the state qualifiers, where they’ll be competing against the Empire State has to offer. On top of being a significant challenge, it’ll also offer the Garden City Girls track and field squad a chance to recapture that sense of achievement and self-satisfaction.
– Dave Gil de Rubio