
Bookmark No. 6

The Great Neck Library has been producing a series of bookmarks to keep the public informed as to the details of the proposed renovation of the Main Library. This bookmark presents the Building Advisory Committee (BAC) process as well as a review of how money can be saved on a renovation.


The following building elements are money saving measures: Upgrades of lighting, heating and air conditioning, wiring and electronic communications. Flexible space for changing needs, many multi-purpose spaces, additional quiet study areas, more computer and patron reading spaces and open pond views. The following monetary and economic considerations are important motivators: Entry into the bond market to take advantage of money-saving interest rates. Low cost of construction and building materials, now without fear of monthly escalation charges. Competitive bid processes for all professionals and services; financial consultants, owner’s representatives, construction professionals and furnishings. 


The Great Neck Library Building Advisory Committee and Board of Trustees have spent many hours every month actively engaged in the financing of the renovation and keeping costs per household down. Mitigating factors of safety, modernity, environment and design are part of the discussions.


Since the last referendum, Great Neck has reduced the renovation budget by more than half, and have been mindful of maintaining our footprint which means no expansion while maintaining award-winning, familiar exterior. The aim is to keep closure to less than a year and produce savings close to $1 million.


Programs and services will be moved to the other three branches and community space to provide continuity. Remedial maintenance has cost us over $300,000 in four years and will increase with time. Modernization is projected to reduce annual service costs between 20-25 percent with upgraded windows, heat/ac, lights and environmental improvements. 


If you have any questions, call or email Interim Library Director Laura Weir at 516-466-8055 or lweir@greatnecklibrary.org.


Public Community Meeting

Attend the Main Library Proposed Building Renovation meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 13 at 7 p.m. in the Community Room of the Main Library, 159 Bayview Avenue. The architect will give a presentation of the approved building plan for the renovation of the Great Neck Main Library Building.