
Golf Outing Raises Over $200,000 For Tolerance Education

Money raised to support

Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center

A record amount of $200,000 was raised at the Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center of Nassau County’s (HMTC) Golf Outing on Monday, Aug. 19 as David Rosen, golf outing chair, greeted 136 golfers at the prestigious Glen Head Country Club. He was joined by Co-Chairs Stewart Hescheles, Len Novick, and Matt Skidell.

“I am a father of five, and the Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center’s mission to educate our youth on diversity and tolerance fuels my passion for spreading the word and doing good things,” Rosen said. “Our children are our future. Dialogue and exchange between people of different views, cultures and faiths is the glue that will hold us together and enrich us all.”

Since 2007, Rosen’s involvement with the HMTC has become greater and greater, including chairman of the golf outing fundraiser and serving as the organization’s vice chairman. Steven Markowitz, HMTC chairman, presented Rosen with a plaque expressing the board’s appreciation for his five years of service as the golf outing chairman.

A live auction was held in the ballroom and, combined with the silent auction, brought in close to $25,000 for HMTC’s education programs and services. HMTC Chairman Emeritus Howard Maier opened the live auction before 250 enthusiastic guests, and long-time supporter Neil Rosenfeld started the bidding.  

The auction ended with a special appearance by Adam Richman, best known as the host of “Man vs. Food,”  on the Travel Channel. He attended in the memory of his grandma, Rose, a holocaust survivor, for the 6,000,000 without a voice, and to make sure humanity and mankind never face these atrocities again.

HMTC is the pre-eminent Holocaust resource on Long Island, with a contemporary museum. To learn more about HMTC, go to www.holocaust-nassau.org.