Hicksville High School celebrated homecoming last weekend, as families, students and faculty reveled all things “Comets.” High school clubs and parent associations set up booths, selling baked goods and other treats. Attendees enjoyed games, had their faces painted, won prizes and spent a beautiful day outside with friends and family.
Each class decorated banners according to this year’s theme: board games. The Class of 2015 cleverly decorated their banners to Clue. The sophomores had a Monopoly decorated banner (complete with a Monopoly man mascot) and the Class of 2017 chose the popular children’s game, Candyland. With their Operation themed banner, the seniors won the banner competition.

The varsity football team matched off against Freeport for their homecoming game, and suffered a disappointing 53-0 loss. During halftime, attendees enjoyed performances from the marching band and kickline. Homecoming court was also announced, with Cameron Isnardi winning freshman princess, Jessica Wahlen winning sophomore princess, and Kathryn Anderson winning junior princess. Doreen McDevitt and Mauricio Poveda were named Homecoming Queen and King.