The New Hyde Park Road School recently held a Bully Buster Theatre production in the auditorium. The production was produced and directed by fourth-grade ‘Bully’ teacher, Susan Sohmer and choreographed by fourth-grade teacher Lauren Casciano. The cast and crew included teachers, staff, and students from the student council at the Road School.
The Road School has worked hard to ensure the school is a bully-free zone. They have encouraged students to change from a silent majority to a caring majority. The production narrated what is a bully and why it is important to not be a bystander as it is to not be a bully.
Not only that, the staff choreographed s situations where we need to bust bullies and bully proof the school.
If you want to see the 25 minute video, go to website, select the New Hyde Park Road School and select The Road School—A Bully Free Zone