
V.F.W. Hosts Cub Scout Pack 382

The Hicksville Veterans of Foreign Wars, William M. Gouse Jr. Post 3211 recently addressed the scouts of Hicksville Cub Scout Pack 382 on American Flag folding and etiquette. There were 21 scouts plus their family members and scout masters in attendance.

Using American Flags and a power point presentation, the scouts learned the proper way to fold the American Flag. They were also given a lesson on flag etiquette including when and how to display the flag, positioning of the flag during parades and lectures, and how to properly dispose of a torn or damaged American Flag.

After the demonstration, the floor was opened to many questions, not only from the scouts, but from the family members also. The Hicksville VFW has a red, white, and blue mail box located near the front entrance to the Post building where Hicksville residents can drop off their damaged American Flags for proper disposal. At the conclusion of the evening, Cub Scout Pack 382 presented the Hicksville VFW with a “certificate of appreciation” for their continued support of Pack 382 and scouting. It was an enjoyable and rewarding evening for the scouts and the members of the Hicksville VFW Post 3211.