
School District Donations

greatneckschoolsGreat Neck Public Schools Board of Education President Barbara Berkowitz was most appreciative as she accepted many gifts to the school district at a recent school board meeting. Announcing each gift, Berkowitz then thanked the donors for each gift and the board approved every one.

Ohiopyle Prints, Inc. donated $35.77 to Great Neck North High School, an amount which represents a percentage of the net sales of their products to the local community grocery stores and/or pharmacies with which they do business. The North High School administration indicated that this donation would be very much appreciated.

An ACER Extensa laptop computer was donated to the school district by Leon Korobow. Marc Epstein, the district’s director of technology, discussed the proposal with Korobow, and Epstein said that he valued the gift as quite useful for the students and the board agreed. Korobow said that the computer is in “excellent working condition.”

The Parkville School’s PTO will donate a Smart Board with peripherals to the Parkville School. They will be using their “Scholastic Dollars” to acquire this equipment for the school, a most useful gift for all at Parkville.

The John F. Kennedy Elementary School PTA received school board permission to donate an EV3 with software and an EV3 expansion set to the Robotics Club at the school. This donation was approve by the board and very much appreciated by the JFK School.

A Groove Percussion five-drum set with accompanying equipment was donated to the John F. Kennedy Elementary School by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rosenfeld. This set includes all the hardware ­— drum throne, two cymbals with stand and hardware.

The Board of Education, the school district’s administrators and the staff at each school building are most grateful for each and every donation to the Great Neck School District.