Our country may be one of the world’s greatest economic powers, but it doesn’t change the fact that more than 600,000 people experience homelessness on any given night in the United States, according to the National Alliance to End Homelessness. It’s a particularly alarming statistic given how brutal the winter in our area has been so early in the season. Closer to home, New Ground is doing its part to educate and empower families and veterans who are caught in the vicious cycle of homelessness. Recently, the organization honored the late Christopher Waldorf and Habit for Humanity Nassau County for the work being done to try and put a roof over the heads of the less fortunate. Spearheading much of this activism is a New Ground advisory board teeming with local residents attempting to make a difference. and while the Lambertis, Jendras family and Ed Thomas are quietly doing their part to help the homeless, it’s nice to know that kind of compassion and advocacy is coming from Garden City.
— Dave Gil de Rubio