The architect’s schematic diagram of the renovated Main Library Building was accepted by the Library Board of Trustees. Design development is now in progress and will continue until our doors are open again in the fall of 2015, or sooner if possible. A preliminary project timeline along with the current version of the renovation plans are available for your review on the Library website.
Main Building closure is scheduled for the fall of 2014. An interim progress report with specific decisions regarding service relocation was accepted by the Board of Trustees on February 18, 2014, summarized as follows: All offices will be moved to the Station and Parkville Branches. A trailer at Main will house the computer and communication servers. Jr. and Sr. Levels programs will be hosted by Saddle Rock School. Four Sunday Music programs will be hosted by Temple Emanuel with a reception after each performance. Vacation Children’s Programs will be hosted by Temple Emanuel during the December, February and April breaks. Other programs are scheduled for each branch. Computer terminals and laptops will be added to each branch. Resident Library cardholders will have priority for all services. Library hours will be extended for the Station Branch. Existing storage spaces have been identified. The complete Interim Report of the Relocation Committee is available for your review on the Library website.
Decisions pending include the final staffing plan by each location, final Library budgets and allocations, additional programming and scheduling for each branch, and Local History Collection security and placement.
The Library Board of Trustees, on behalf of staff, community committee participants and all residents, gratefully acknowledges the cooperation and support being offered during our renovation planning process from the following members of the Great Neck Library community:
The Great Neck School Board and Superintendent, Dr. Dolan, who have been particularly supportive, helpful and sensitive in planning to provide necessary, material assistance during the closure of the Main Library for the children and parents of this district. Temple Emanuel, specifically Rabbi Widom, and his advisory and support staff have been ecumenical and welcoming to all for offering the use of the Temple’s community room for special programs that the Library offers. We are gratified and appreciative to be recognized as an important community resource. And, to the many other community organizations and government agencies, who have tried to accommodate our needs, we thank you.
Naming opportunities are available to honor or memorialize your friends and relatives. Leave a legacy in your own community. Contact the Library Business Manager, Neil Zitofsky at 516 466-8055, ext. 229 for more information.