The Great Neck School District has new rules applying to district-owned property and district-issued portable electronic devices. The Board of Eduction revised its policies at the March public action meeting. This was the third reading for each of the two revised policies and both were adopted.
Policy On Authorized Use Of District-Owned Property
The policy on authorized use of district-owned property has a title change from one that called for the policy to pertain to only materials, to a policy that pertains to district-owned materials and equipment. The revision specifies that users have no expectation of privacy with regard to their use of such materials and equipment.
Additionally, the revision indicates all loans are to be approved by the building administrator and logged. The superintendent of schools, or a designee, sets the regulations of the loan. Also, all materials and equipment will be inventoried by the school district’s business office.
The revised policy permits use of district owned materials and district owned equipment by school board members, officers and employees of the district when needed for district purposes. Individuals borrowing district owned materials and equipment will be fully liable for any damage, loss or theft during the period of their use and responsible for the safe return.
Policy On District-Issued Portable Electronic Devices
The revision of this policy recognizes that while it is no longer practical to prohibit personal use of district issued portable electronic devices, borrowers should have no expectation of privacy when using them. It also details user responsibilities with respect to damage, loss or theft: those borrowing are required to maintain and safely return the devices.
The revised policy recognizes the need for school board members, officers and selected employees and students to have use of portable electronic devices, with individual authorization by the superintendent or his designee. The assistant superintendent for business will provide a list of users.