
Donations Keep Coming

schoolIn such tough economic times it is especially appreciated when donations are made to the Great Neck Public Schools. At almost every Board of Education public action meeting, the school board is delighted to accept a long list of donation requests. Several donations were approved at the March 10 public action meeting.

First, the establishment of the Ryan L. Sims Memorial Scholarship was approved. Ryan graduated Great Neck South High School in 2007. He died in December 2012 at 23-years-old and his parents, Melinda and Michael Sims, asked to honor Ryan’s memory with two $1,000 scholarships that they would annually fund. Ryan excelled in music and science and the scholarships will benefit one graduating senior who excels in science and in music.

Additionally, donations were also approved for several other scholarship funds. The following contributed to the Lewis E. Love Memorial Teaching Award: The Niederhoffer Foundation, James and Barbara Wynne, Bruce Pacht, Mary Cleave, Kalmon and Linda Post, Paul Ross, Steven and Margaret Sharfstein, Marc Fasteau, Allan and Wendy Berlind, Gerald M. Pepper, Charles and Barbara Gholz, Harvey and Ellen Friedman, Michael Pracht.

The Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program donated to the Fran Harman Award for Excellence in the Performing Arts.

The district’s highly successful Robotics Club received donations from Michael and Rhoda Epstein and from R.J. Industries, Inc. The donations were given to help offset the many costs associated with running a successful robotics program.

Peter Budraitis of Peter M. Budraitis Photography donated funding to support the continuation of the “wonderful” moving-up ceremony at Great Neck North Middle School that he was “privileged to be a part of …” last June. His donation was to help ensure more such wonderful ceremonies in the future.

The E.M. Baker Elementary School PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) received permission to donate $1,572.48 to the school to purchase four guest chairs for the school’s lobby. The Baker School PTO was anxious for the approval as soon as possible in order to have the chairs in place quickly.

The Parkville School PTO received permission to donate $719.99 to the school to purchase a Gym-I-Nee for the courtyard used by the children at the Parkville Pre-Kindergarten program.

In all instances, the administration indicated that each donation was very much appreciated.