
Roslyn Schools Talk Revenue

roslynJoseph Dragone, assistant superintendent for business, presented the tax levy/revenue portion of the budget at the last meeting of the Roslyn School Board. Dragone focused on the revenue projections for the 2014-15 school year and the estimated tax rate calculations.

The proposed budget for the 2014-15 school year is $102,731,007 compared with the total budget number for the 2013-14 school year which was $102,065,212. This is a .65 percent change from budget to budget with an increase of $665,795. The Pilots program total for the 2014-15 budget is $3,227,975 compared with a total of $2,881,171 in 2013-14. This is a 12 percent budget-to-budget increase.

The Basic State Aid funds have gone up very slightly in the district with a $4,351,877 total in 2014-15, which is a .43 percent increase from the 2013-14 school year when the figure totaled $4,333,159.

The district fund balance also increased slightly with a $2,000,000 total in 2014-15 compared with $1,900,000 in 2013-14.

This is an estimated change of 5.26 percent. The estimated tax levy in 2014-15 is $91,631,155, which is a .64 percent increase from the previous school year when the rate was $91,050,882. According to Dragone there is an increase in the tax levy rate from 2013-14 to 2014-15, with an estimated Class 1 tax rate total of $72,456,071 in 2014-15. In 2013-14 the calculated tax rate was $71,997,228.