
Sowing The Seeds Of Science

picIn the fall, it was the life cycle of an acorn. During the chilly winter months, it was the biology and habits of arctic animals, including a polar bear picnic. And now in the quietly unfolding spring, it is marine life. Are these National Geographic specials? Not quite.

They are all part of this year’s science curriculum at the Roslyn Trinity Cooperative Day School. At the co-op, the seeds of science are planted in young students’ minds by using a creative, hands-on approach that encourages children to explore their world while cultivating a life-long love of science and learning.

The science units are one of the many programs offered by the Roslyn Trinity Cooperative Day School. The non-sectarian cooperative nursery school is a provider of universal pre-kindergarten for the Port Washington School District and is currently enrolling two- through four-year-old students for the 2014-2015 school year.

For more information or to arrange a tour, contact Lindi Nubel at 516-621-3380, or visit www.roslyntrinityco-op.org.