
Through A Glass Clearly

President Obama has fulfilled at least one of his many campaign promises. He and his administration are indeed THE most transparent in history. WE CAN SEE RIGHT THROUGH THEM AT EVERY TURN!

Pick your favorite subject (or crisis) in no particular order, e.g. the great Apology Tour, ObamaCare ,Red lines in Syria, Benghazi, release of known terrorists, Fast & Furious, unilateral executive alteration of enacted laws, Ukraine, the IRS scandal, the Border Crisis, the latest weakening of our military, the Iranian nuclear threat, weakened support for Israel, the soaring national debt and the latest Malaysian Airline tragedy and you will quickly and clearly see a president and his minions displaying extraordinary arrogance, detachment, cover-up and an extreme lack of effective and inspiring leadership.

Fundraising, blame-casting and selective attention to actions in support the continued power of those seeking to diminish America and its cherished principles have become ” de rigueur.”

It is not all ” their fault”. We the people allowed this to happen! Now as we approach the “mid-terms” and then beyond, maybe “we” can establish some real “Hope and Change” (for the better).

Herman P. Wiegand