
MHS Class of 2014

Here is the list of students that graduated from Manhasset High School in June.

Class of 2014

Stefano J. Abruzzo Amelia Frances Conner Robert Benjamin Godfried
Saydi Akgul Kelsey Elizabeth Connolly Eric Goldfond
Priya Alagesan John Conti Emma Catherine Goodwin
Marisa Aliprantis Jennifer Lynn Cook Andrew Joseph Goring
Mark Christopher Andriotis Michael Robert Cook Alexander Stevenson Gray
Anne Marie Palma Ardito Toby Jerome Costello Henry Donovan Griffith
Elizabeth Ann Arenare Angelica Cramer James T. Haber
Irene Bae Jacklyn D’Alleva Grace Paola Halio
Brandon Patrick Bares Karina Demirciyan Robert Andrew Hamerman
Amelia Hope Barry Cara G. DePippo Chase W. Hampton
Michael V. Barry Courtney Arielle DiGia Keagan Blake Hanley
Sean Daniel Barry Alice Blue Donnelly Christopher Edwin Harragan
Dimitri James Base Melissa Dorogoff Alexandra K. Hart
Matthew Dante Basso Kimberly L. Dziedziula Jun Wai Titus He
Caitlin Michelle Begley Daniel Patrick Erb Luke Anton Hedberg
Kevin Arthur Beil Megan Danielle Erickson Sarah A. Henry
Olivia Marie Belinsky Patrick C. Fahey Bryan Christopher Herbert
Tara Brooke Belinsky James Patrick Farrell, Jr. Juan Herrera
Kyle Dalton Bentley Christopher John Ferraro Maxwell C. Hu
Joseph Anthony Blando, Jr. Michael J. Ferraro Lillian Huang
Jade Tiara Blocker Kyle Justine Fitzsimons Costanza D. Intranova
Benny Borgognone Ryan Michael Fleishman Mahak Jajoo
Nikki Elizabeth Brown Rhea Fogla Myeong Jo
Olena Gabriella Cardali Alessandra Mia Furlong Kalah Johnson
Caroline Rose Carr John C. Furlong, Jr. Ivan Kajic
Wilfredo Vinicio Castellon Alexandra Mary Gallo Akhil Kapoor
Rhiannon Cassidy Catalano Matthew E. Garbus Ioannis Yianni Katsifas
Joseph Lawrence Catalfo Riley Lourdes Garcia Scott Edward Katzmann
Anthony Louis Cerrone Christopher M. Gentile Kelly Corwin Kenlon
Chelsea Carie Cheng Nicole Alexandra George Brigid Ann Kenny
Philip Cho Daniel Ross Gershkowitz Ryan Kiess
Heather Chow William Frederick Gervasio Albert Kim
Alexandra M. Cirella Christopher Giannone Andrew J. Kim
Robert J. Clarke Hope L. Gillan David W. Kim
Andre D. Clejan Mari Catherine Gillis Justin Kim
Brinley H. Cobden Caitlin Diviney Gleason Paul Kim
Margaret Erin Coleman Julia Glynn Sydney Anne Klainberg
Archie Kong Ryan Francis Cash Miller Matthew Stratford
Nicole Koskovolis Joan J. Mitsinikos Matthew Christopher Sullivan
Emily Alexa Koufakis Brian Mo Christopher Daniel Sumba
Maria G. Kouspos Robert Emmett Moore Kevin Andrew Sussy
Abigail A. Kucharczyk Matthew Alexander Moreira Aaron Y. Tabibzadeh
Michael Kevin Kusnierek Shreesham Mukherjee Josephine M. Tannuzzo
Marisa Ann Labib Noor Nanda Amanda E. Temares
Elizabeth Lainez David Ali Nassirian Anastasios Nikos Thermos
Alexandra Lambadarios Jacqueline Nikakis Taquan J. Thomas
Bridget Clare Lavin Aaron D. Nunez Kevin Z Tong
Cassandra S. Lee Vincent Nicholas O’Donnell Matthew G. Torpe
Connor Thomas Lee Courtney Valerie Ohlmann Stephen Philip Tranchina
Ryan Lennon Austin Rothwell Orlando Skylar A. Trotta
Evan Cole Lerner Christina L. Ottaviani Harry George Tsou, Jr.
Irene Liao William Joseph Palmer Randy Tung
Justin Tyler Liberta Marisa Elise Paone Matthew R. Verdi
Sarah Beth A. Lipsman Emily Anne Papa Mark W. Viklund
Vivian Liu Karalyn Nicole Pappas Arthur Wang
Melissa Lee Lombard Paulina Gabrielle Parsons Matthew J. Weilep
Amanda Jo Lopez Edward F. Peterson, Jr. Martin Chase Weissman
Jamie Jo Lopez Abigail Faye Powell Matthew Richard Welsh
Pranay Kumar Lunavat Hannah Press Catherine Elizabeth Weppler
Charles E. Malhame Madeleine Jean Quinn Liam Whalen
John Luke Mantikas Ryan G. Quirin Morven Sylvia Jane Whalley
John Paul Mantikas Vanessa Giovanna Rijo Caitlin M. Whitaker
Christian Jack Marchetti Daniela Rodriguez Jalik N. Williams
John Franco Marcucci Stephanie Kathryn Rohn Meredith Renee  Wilshere
Katherine Antonia Margherio Anastasia Rose Rubertone Zach Winn
Marissa Christine Martino Michael Joseph Santos Christian Winnitzki
Alexia P. Mate Gabriella Rose Scaramucci David Winnitzki
Alexandra M. Matteo Matthew Brett Schaeffer Georgia Theodora Xenophontos
Chiedu Moses Mbonu Jennifer Lynn Sciarrino Andrew V. Yenicag
Baldwin Mei Emily Marie Sears Stephanie Ying
Gerson Vinicio Melara Tejada Min Ji Seo Brian Christian Young
Daniel John Meyer Angela Shapiro John Paul Young
Finola Boyle Meyer Bradley Michael Spilka Sydney Sophia Young
Gabriel Mieleszko Benjamin M. Starr Jason S. Yunakov
Ryan A. Miller Natalie J. Stefan Austin Douglas Yung