
Local Students Receive Scholarships


Although the school year has just begun, three college students and native Massapequans were already awarded scholarships at their respected universities.

North Massapequa resident Brian Kaufman was selected as one of eight Adelphi students to receive the Horace G. McDonell Summer Research Fellowship, which promotes science research in the student’s field of choice on campus.

A passion for physics led Physics major Kaufman ’16, to team up with Assistant Professor Matthew Wright in his freshman year to build a magneto-optical trap (MOT). His research involves using lasers and magnetic fields to cool and trap atoms to ultra-cold temperatures, which will enable the study of ultra-cold atomic collisions. Kaufman hopes that together, they will be able to extend the research and use the methods controlling the production of molecules, enabling control over chemical reactions. He presented this research at Adelphi’s Undergraduate Research Day and said that working on this research has deepened his interest for the theory behind the application of quantum mechanics.

Brian Kaufman is a physics major at Adelphi University.

The Fellowship offers Adelphi University students the opportunity to engage in intensive hands-on research in biology, chemistry and physics for 10 weeks over the summer, with each student receiving a $4,000 stipend in addition to mentorship from a faculty member as they conducted their rigorous research.

SUNY Oswego has awarded $3,000 Merit Scholarships to the freshman class of 2014, with Massapequa Park resident Emma C. Moran among them. She is currently undeclared in her major.

The award recognizes past academic achievement and potential for success and is part of about $4 million in merit scholarship money offered at SUNY Oswego.

These funds are in addition to the more than $80 million in need-based grants, loans, work-study and scholarship awards that SUNY Oswego students receive annually.

Colgate University awarded the Dean’s Award for academic excellence to Massapequa Park recipient John Grossman, who is currently majoring in Physics at the highly selective liberal arts institution.
The Dean’s Award is given to students with a 3.30 or higher grade-point average while enrolled in 3.75 or more course hours.

Best of luck to these young academic stars.