
BOE Asks For Public Input

Ongoing Long Range Facilities Planning BOE 9 3 2014

During the next four weeks, the Manhasset Board of Education is continuing to explore the scope of work to be included in a possible bond referendum. There are four opportunities for the public to queue in on the future of the possible bond event. The potential capital projects under review focus on existing space constraints and their impact on critical district-wide programmatic needs in science, fine arts, food services and athletics.

The board meeting are scheduled and highlights the following topic:

Thursday, Sept. 18, 8 p.m. covers science, food services and athletics;

Thursday, Oct. 2, 8 p.m. covers Fine Arts and other infrastructure projects;

Tuesday, Oct. 7, 8 p.m. covers finalizing the scope of capital projects;

Thursday, Oct. 9, 8 p.m. will have the adoption of final resolutions pursuant to bond referendum.

The four meetings will be held at 8 p.m. at Manhasset High School in the Secondary School Board Room located at 200 Memorial Place. Please contribute to these deliberations; your input is welcome and valuable. Email the Board at any time: boe@manhasset.k12.ny.us.