
Runners Club Helps Wounded Warriors

Proceeds from the 37th Annual New Hyde Park Runners 8K (4.97 Miles) Championship Race benefited the Nassau County Firefighters Operation Wounded Warriors (NCFF-OWW) and local Boy Scouts. On Sept. 14, the NCFF-OWW and Scouts received $3,500 and $500 respectively, at the runner’s monthly meeting held at the Michael J. Tully Park, New Hyde Park.


NCFF-OWW is a nonprofit organization that provides needed items and gifts to wounded men and women of our armed services, at the Walter Reed National Military

Medical Center, Womack Army Medical Center in Fort Bragg, and the Naval Hospital in Camp Lejeune, NC.  The running club is proud to support this organization each year.


The Club has many different events throughout the year, which include the following:


•Annual BBQ with Food, Beverages & DJ: FREE to Members, Volunteers & Sponsors.


•Club Teams formed to participate in GLIRC’s annual “Ocean to Sound 50 Mile Relay” scheduled for September 28th.


•Annual Sound to Ocean Run/Walk (Oyster Bay to Cedar Creek Park) held on Labor Day.  Runners can run the full 18 miles or chose the first or second half of the course.


•Monthly Meetings with occasional guest speakers to educate the club’s members on various topics including running shoes, injuries and treatment, financial and legal issues, and other topics of interest.


•Annual Holiday Party held in December 2014


•Group Runs held six days a week with various course workouts


•Weekend walking routes for walkers


•Yearly Trip to do marathon/half marathon in different locations in USA


•Other social events being planned – i.e. dinners, race palace outing, attend theatrical play, NYC High Line Run, NYC Bridges Run, etc.


To be placed on a list to receive the Club’s weekly email newsletter, please email Corresponding Secretary Yuri Karasz at ykarasz@gmail.com