Stretching tips for the high school athlete
Prior to the start of high school running season, Garden City’s Physical Therapy Options (PTO) had an opportunity to provide a presentation to members of Sacred Heart Academy’s cross country team. Team members gathered at Garden City’s New York Running Company to learn strategies and tips for a successful fall season.
PTO staff members Dr. Meghan Goetz, Doctor of Physical Therapy, and PTO Aide Mike Murphy discussed the importance of stretching to prevent injury and provided strategies and tips for success for the high school runner.
Goetz, a graduate of Sacred Heart and a former cross country runner, noted her years as a runner and member of the team. She urged the runners to stretch prior to running and to avoid shortcuts. She recommended warm-ups and cool-downs. Goetz also advised runners to be aware of pain and avoid overtraining. She stressed the importance of wearing proper sneakers with support and urged runners to replace old sneakers to avoid injury.
“Often I see shortcuts taken, such as skipping a warm-up or wearing old sneakers; I’ve done all those things myself and ended up injured,” shared Goetz.
Goetz and Murphy demonstrated proper stretching techniques and form. They encouraged the runners to learn proper techniques and shared the importance of form since imbalances can result in injury. The duo also discussed nutrition, fluid intake and the need for overall strength training.