
BOE Adopts $19.9 Million Bond

Superintendent of Schools Charles Cardillo announced that the Manhasset Board of Education adopted a resolution to issue $19.9 million in bonds.
The capital projects, which the community will be asked to vote on on Dec. 3 include, but are not limited to, renovation, reconstruction and reconfiguration of the music and art rooms at the secondary school and related relocation of the central office staff to a refurbished bus garage; renovation and reconfiguration of the music rooms at the elementary schools; renovation of the science labs and classrooms at all three schools; expansion of the secondary school cafeteria seating area; renovation of the Munsey Park serving line and kitchen facilities; air conditioning of the dining areas in all three buildings; and renovation of the facilities at Memorial field. (Go to p. 12 for more info)
For a full view of the final scope   of capital projects go to: www.manhasset.k12.ny.us/board.cfm.