
Letter: Vote For Martins

When Jack Martins became mayor of Mineola, he set a standard of accountability. He began a program to turn the village back from increasing high debt which would have crashed the village on the shore of one sided thinking. 


Re-evaluation of real estate values created the first footing to reduce debt. Then came incentive offers to developers to restore an outdated downtown. The money received enabled park and field restorations and curb and road repairs that were designed to fix the worst first. As mayor, he brought village, town and county together to fix a decades old flooding problem. (Today, that project is completed and everybody is trying to take credit for it). 


Jack Martins put the above and more together in a fair and accountable manner. The Village of Mineola is currently in mid-channel and on a healthy course. 


His first task as New York State Senator was to go to the far shore to restore funding commitments to many villages which already spent money on campaign promises that were pulled back, lost, or not completed. Jack restored all promises made by his predecessor, making his predecessor and himself accountable. 


We need many more representatives who know how to focus on the channel, so the ship of state and country does not beach on the rocky shore of incompetence.  


Let’s not lose him. Let’s vote for him.


— John Carroll