
Students Always Contribute

The New Hyde Park-Garden City Park School District has always been committed to producing students who are contributing members of society as part of our mission statement. That mission begins with the entire district staff volunteering in the community for fundraising events and service to the less fortunate. Most recently, during this holiday season, teachers, administrators and support staff all worked together to raise funds for an ill child in the Garden City Park School. Other staff members at the district office created an entire

Thanksgiving meal to a district family from soup to nuts inclusive of a turkey and gift cards. Each school in the district held either food drives, turkey trots or Thanksgiving meals for families in each school.


Then, there are our students. Each child has learned that their calling is to help the less fortunate. During this season, they have contributed to others from the following activities: food drives, turkey trots, Toys for Tots, Ronald McDonald House Drives, Read-A-Thons, Mittens and Hats for Kids and Walk-a-thons, runs, Jump Rope for Heart and birthday party collections.


I challenge each of you as readers of this paper to follow the example our students have set and reach out at least one time this season to help someone less fortunate.


I wish all of you a blessed and Happy Holiday season.