
Auschwitz At Museum

Members of Temple Judea’s Baby Boomers visited the Museum of Jewish Heritage in lower Manhattan on Sunday, Dec.BabyBoomers_122714A 14. This “must see” trip was arranged by its members, Jodi and Joel Laxer.
The museum’s permanent collection covers Jewish life before the Holocaust, during the Holocaust, and after World War ll. There were two exhibits that made the visit especially important. One was a historic view of “Auschwitz-the Life and Death of a Jewish Community.” The exhibit covers the period of time between 1867 and 1939 when it was truly a Polish town with a significant Jewish population. After that, the town was “germanized” and given the name Auschwitz. Terrible memories of the war years and the creation of the death camps and the horror stories that were generated in Auschwitz followed by the post war life when there were hardly any Jewish
survivors of the town brought this period to an end.
The other special exhibit was called, “Against All Odds.” This showed the efforts that were made by the Jews in Europe to escape the Nazis. There were many documents that were used to escape, including letters from people in America, who said they would take in the Jews. The odds of escaping were extremely difficult.
The Baby Boomers ended the day by enjoying a wonderful dinner together. This trip was one of the many interesting events that the Baby Boomers group have shared. To learn more about the Baby Boomers and their future plans, Temple Judea, and its ongoing membership incentives, please contact Maxine at 516-621-8049 or maxexec@temple-judea.com. Temple Judea of Manhasset is located at 333 Searingtown Rd. in Manhasset. Visit its website at www.temple