
What Veterans Can Look Forward To In The New Year

V.A. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Pilot Program Expands: 


The Veterans Access Choice and Accountability Act  (VACAA) extended VA’s authority to carry out the TBI Assisted Living Pilot Program.


In Dec. 2014, Congress Passed  H.R. 4276, the Veterans Brain Injury Care Improvement Act, to further expand the program. If signed into law, the bill will provide additional oversight of the program by requiring quarterly reports to Congress on the programs status. It would allow community-based brain injury residential rehabilitative care centers to participate in the program.  


The VFW strongly supported VACAA and the expansion of VA’s TBI assisted living pilot program. Since June 1, 2014, this  program has helped 187 veterans in 22 states reach functional  gains and improve their quality of life.


Other Than Honorable Discharge Site:


The Defense Department announced  a decision that will enable potentially thousands of Vietnam veterans and others to request upgrades to their other-than-honorable military discharges due to an extenuating factor not known or recognized at the time of their separation-Post-Traumatic  Stress Disorder.


In response  to the DOD directive, the Army has launched a new webpage to assist former soldiers who seek to upgrade their discharges. The departments of the Navy and Air Force have yet to release a similar help site.


Prescription Tracking:


VA recently implemented a new tool that allows veterans to track delivery or their VA prescriptions through “My Health Vet.” This tool grants veterans the opportunity to track their  medication refills online, without having to rely on calls to their VA medical facility for status updates. The VA reports that more than 4,000 veterans currently use the prescription tracker every day.


I personally have received my Choice Card from the VA. It does not mean pre-approval, you or I must reply to 1-866-8198 for information or to make an appointment.


The VFW Post 516 will be holding a “Night at the Races” on Friday, Jan. 23, 2015, from 6 to 10 p.m. Dinner will be from 6 to 7 p.m., with races starting at 7 p.m. The cost is $20 per person and includes dinner, beer, wine, soda, dessert and coffee. 


For more information about the hall or our Post call Bob Fullam at 516-694-5539 or vfwBob516@aol.com