
Weigand Sworn In

Kenneth Weigand was sworn in as ManhasseParkSwear_012115At Park District Commissioner by the Hon. Robert Morici on Monday, Jan. 12, for a term of three years.
The Manhasset Park District Board of Commissioners meetings are held twice a month at 6:15 p.m. at 62 Manhasset Ave. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, Jan. 26.
Weigand joins Commissioners Mark Sauvigne and David Paterson as they continue to create additional parking for patrons, employees and commuters, while tackling illegal parking lots in the community.
In September of 2014, the Manhasset Park District introduced a fee for non-resident parking on weekends. The parking lots adjacent to the Long Island Rail Road station now require a $5 daily fee for non-resident weekend parking.
The fee is required only for vehicles without a resident permit.
Vehicles with the Manhasset Park District decal will continue to use these lots at no charge on the weekends. Weekend daily passes can be purchased at the muni-meter.