
Students Win Big In Business Leadership Comp

A total of 27 Oyster Bay High School students from various business classes competed in the 12th annual Huntington Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals Business Leadership Competition. There were multiple categories from which students could choose to compete, including sports management, public relations, hospitality, not-for-profit fundraising, public relations, graphic design, sales and marketing and job interviewing. Students as individuals or in pairs had a little more than a month to prepare for the competition.  

On the day of the competition, all competing students and OBHS business teacher Tara Beal went to St. Joseph’s College in Patchogue, where the students spent the day presenting their projects to the panel of judges, made up of a variety of industry professionals.

Following lunch, all 387 students and their teachers crossed the St. Joseph’s campus to the auditorium where the winners were announced. As the categories were announced and the winners revealed, Oyster Bay had a lot to cheer about. Oyster Bay High School won first place in three categories sending four students to the stage to be presented with their awards.

Nicholas Orlowski won first place in the 11th and 12th Grade Job Interviewing category. Lena Gluck won first place in the ninth and 10th Grade Job Interviewing category. Andrew George and Jasmine Williams won first place as a team in the Public Relations category.

The winners and their parents were honored at a reception in Huntington where they received citations from two New York Assemblymen and had the opportunity to network with some industry professionals. Overall, it was an amazing experience well preparing the students for their futures.