
SCA Fair Sponsorship Opportunities

SCAFair_030515AThe 2015 SCA Fair will be held on Saturday, May 2, and the SCA Fair committee is hard at work planning a fantastic fair.
Don’t miss the chance to be included in this year’s SCA Fair journal. Forms for contribution and sponsorship were mailed to the community last week and there are many wonderful advertising and underwriting opportunities, as well as possibilities for sponsorships of rides and booths. Place an advertisement in the journal reflect the support of the community.
The journal offers a great way to advertise a business, offer well wishes to family or friends, or write a Mother’s Day sentiment.
Join the SCA’s fundraising efforts and support the SCA with a contribution to the fair journal. Misplace the contribution form, not a problem,  visit www.manhassetsca.org to download a form.
Start collecting and amassing attic treasures to donate to the fair more information will follow in coming months. For more fair information, please contact Linda Gurino or Stella Binaris at scafair@manhassetsca.org.