
Around Town: June 5

Lou Sanders
Lou Sanders

Sal and Marcel Lombardo enjoyed dinner at Cugini’s along with Grace, Sister Annmarie, Richard and Laurie Sanders and me. It was also good to see our old friends, Joe and Regina and Angelo.
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There is a new priest replacing Father Tomas Gomide at Corpus Christi. His name is John Victor. He comes from Haiti and speaks Creole, Spanish, Italian and English.

Carolyn Truson serves in the Supreme Court in Mineola. She used to live in Mineola and now resides in Garden City.
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Grace and I attended mass at St. Brigid’s Church with a group of the people from The Bristol in Westbury.
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Corpus Christi Church enjoyed a mission conducted by Bill Wegner entitled, “Dare to be Holy.” Mr. Wegner was a great motivational speaker. He has good delivery and was loud and clear. He quickly got to the point with examples of real life experiences and, most of all, humor. And nobody fell asleep! His three-day seminar was enjoyed by many.
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Lucky Helena Sommers was chosen for jury duty.
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Marge Haggerty enjoyed a day’s outing to Rhode Island and was able to take a side trip to Foxwood.
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Kathryn Stagnari of Brown Street was a former life guard at the John DaVanzo Mineola Pool and now attends the University of South Florida, where she majors in criminology.
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Buffy and Spiro, the owners of the Williston Town House and the Old Westbury Diner, have now opened a third restaurant called The North Shore Towers. It is very near Long Island Jewish Hospital and should do very well. Incidentally, their daughter, Gina, now runs the Old Westbury Diner.
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Frank and Mary Delmento enjoyed lunch at the Town House. She is a retired teacher and he is a retired accountant.
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Lois Faruola and son, Frank, lunched at the Town House. Lois’ late, husband, Frank, was an attorney who was active in school affairs and the president of the East Williston School District Board of Education.
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Scott Fairgrieve, now 60 years old, recently ran a half-marathon. Scott is a judge in the Nassau County District Court, a position he has held since January 2001. Scott was a Mineola village trustee from 1982 to 1984, and the co-founder of the Mustang Run. He often lectures about the dangers of drunken driving. He and his wife, Linda, live on Mineola Boulevard. Linda, by the way, ran for mayor against Jack Martin some years ago.
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Reverend Richard Kammera, who likes to be called Father Rich, is extremely popular with the people of Corpus Christi Church as is Msgr. Robert Batule.
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Sorry to hear Ron Baker is so seriously ill. He is the man in charge of the memorial candles in the Corpus Christi Church vestibule.

Editor’s Note: Lou Sanders, who has his journalism degree from NYU, and his wife, Grace, a graduate of Adelphi, founded the Mineola American in 1952, giving the village its first successful newspaper. Lou and Grace have lived in Mineola for 60 years, and his popular column is a signature feature of this paper.