
Heroin Task Force To Launch

The number of heroin overdoses has dramatically increased over the past year and Hempstead Town Supervidor Kate Murray has decided it’s time to do something about it. At a press conference on Sept. 1, Murray made it clear that the time to act is now and getting drug dealers off the streets is her main priority at this tMurrayHeroinTaskForce_093015Aime.

“I am pleased that Nassau officials have responded to my call to create a heroin task force at the police department level,” said Murray. “Fatal heroin overdoses have soared by over 100 percent this year and taking drug dealers off the streets is an important part of the war on heroin.”

But it’s not just about those dealing drugs. She’s also concerned about those struggling with addiction and their need to get help. Helping addicts through their battle rather than just giving them jail time is essential, according to Murray, who also announced that part of her plan is educating people about the subject. Brochures, created by the town, will contain information that will be used to better inform the community.

Backing her in this process are all three of Nassau’s countywide police unions, along with the Nassau Police Conference and several other law enforcement unions.
“Kate Murray has an agenda that will help Nassau to win the war on heroin,” said Nassau County Police Benevolent Association President James Carver. “Police officials respect Murray and are eager to work closely with her on this issue.”

“It’s time to establish a task force with ‘teeth’ that will put heroin dealers behind bars,” said Murray. “I look forward to working with the police department to tackle this critical issue.”