Lockhart Elementary School students sharpened their math, literacy and science skills when they competed in a three-day online challenge known as the “World Education Games.” The competition pits students against millions from around the globe as they try their best to correctly answer questions in the three subject areas.
Students were focused as they worked closer to breaking a world record, the ultimate goal of the competition. The free contest began with World Math Day and World Literacy Day, then added World Science Day in 2012. This year, instead of working on one subject each day, students were able to compete in all three subject areas throughout the duration of the challenge.
“Our students love the competition,” said principal Stephen Scarallo. “It motivates them to practice their skills in three key areas of instruction.”
Each student was supplied with an individual username and password weeks before the competition so they could practice in school or at home, according to Lockhart’s computer liaison Donna Meyer, who coordinates the event for the school.
“The students had fun and developed their skills at the same time,” she said.