
Off The Desk Tales Of A Mediocre Stockbroker

foleyManhasset native Chris Foley has written and performed an Off-Broadway play, Off The Desk Tales Of A Mediocre Stockbroker.

The play tells the comedic story of a former stockbroker and his lackluster career on Wall Street envisioning a fantasy world he created to allow him to escape the daily grind and become an artist. Foley takes the audience from the esteemed hall of the Ivy League to the frenzy of the trading floor, leading to the debauchery of alcohol, drugs and disingenuous strippers. Foley recounts the stories of his career through the many characters he worked with along the way, from the chauvinistic foreign exchange salesman to the sociable, suave, strutting stock loan trader, the Silver Fox.

The show is running from Jan. 20 to Jan. 31 at the Workshop Theater at 312 West 36th St. on the fourth floor. For more information or to purchase tickets, go to www.offthedeskshow.com.