Our dysfunctional post office reared its ugly head once again by deciding not to deliver mail on certain streets in Soundview on Monday, Jan. 25. The sun was shining that day, temperatures were on the balmy side, upper 30s, by and large, the roads were plowed and navigable, therefore, there was absolutely no reason for this lack of mail delivery. This travesty is not the first time that it was perpetrated. This is at least the fifth time that the post office decided on a whim not to deliver mail. This is illegal, as these occurrences took place when there was no legal holiday on which there is no mail delivery. This abject dereliction of service was reported to the U.S. Post Master General in Washington, DC, requesting an investigation. Guess what? True to form, no response. It proves that the “fish stinks from the head.” That being the case, it permeated from Washington, DC, to those responsible for operating the Post Office in Port Washington. This pervasive and totally unjustified lack of mail delivery calls for summarily firing these underperforming individuals, starting with the one in charge.
—Stanley Ronell