
Local Artist Exhibition

Local artist Sydell Glasser (Schreiber class of ‘99) believes colors can create movements, moods and sounds. They can illustrate the beauty of dancers, the strength of women, the grace of horses and the majesty of landscapes. Some of Glasser’s latest works and landscapes can be seen at the Tabla Rasa Gallery in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. Within the 4,000 square-foot turn-of-the-century carriage house, the gallery exhibits artwork by emerging, mid-career and established artists, including painting, sculpture, drawing, print media, digital, film and video.Sydell021716B Sydell021716C Sydell021716E

All of the artists involved in the exhibit Ars Nova were selected from the Chashama Studio Program, where emerging and mid-career artists create their art in a nurturing and affordable environment. Sydell has exhibited at several different locations with Chashama and although known best for her work on horses, her current exhibit includes landscapes that were inspired by a trip to Iceland. This exhibit may be seen at the Tabla Rasa Gallery, 224 48th St. (between 2nd and 3rd Avenues), Brooklyn until Saturday, Feb. 20. Exhibitions are free and open to the public. It is recommended to call 718-833-9100 for events, times and schedule updates.

Sydell Glasser’s complete collection of works can also be viewed online at www.sydellglasser.com.

“Essentially, my art career started in Port Washington while I was a student in Schreiber,” said Glasser. “Teachers like Mr. Barchi, Ms. Conte-Law and Ms. Palatella were always encouraging me. They taught me about hard work and that, as an artist, anything is possible. Growing up I had a diverse group of friends that taught me all about perspective and seeing things in new ways. I live in Brooklyn now, but still come back to Port to visit my family. I take my parents’ dog for long walks through the preserves, it’s a good way to clear my head and gain inspiration and ideas. Port is a beautiful place. I’ll always come back to it. I’ll always feel a certain pride that it’s my hometown. I think a lot of us share that sentiment.”