
No Comeback In Mineola For Werther

It was difficult to read about the reasons why Larry Werther wants to run for Mineola trustee. To sum up in one famous sentence: he was for it before he was against it.

When he was on the board there was seldom a meeting where he did not complain about the deterioration of our downtown and the closing of many businesses. He was for downtown renovation but is now against it?He ignores the fact the he actually has indicted he is for three of four of the new developments.

He decries the lack of taxes generated but ignores PILOT Payments (payments in lieu of taxes), large permit fees these developments have to pay above and beyond PILOT payments, Development Incentive Bonus funds (DIB) and Host Benefit payments.

He ignores that two of the four locations were not paying any taxes as they were on either government or church property.

He ignores the major renovation of Memorial Park achieved through DIB finds even though he lives around the corner from the park.

He ignores that these developments are required to set aside 10 percent for residents below 80 percent mean income. He should be proud that Mineola was able to have the Modera build senior housing so empty nester residents could stay in Mineola at affordable rents.

He wonders if these developers have the finances to develop these properties. As a former banker he should know better as these developers would not be able to secure funding if they were in poor financial shape.

I encourage the residents of Mineola to come out and support the re-election of Paul Pereira for trustee. Paul has worked hard to keep our village taxes low, coordinated the renovation of our downtown and major improvements to our parks and capital equipment. And he is part of a partnership that is achieving these goals without placing Mineola into Debt.
—Frank Hoare